Business Development MX (BDMX) is your fastest route
into the Mexican market

Mexico is the 15th largest economy in the world, an integral part of North America/USMCA and the gateway to Latin America.
Once you have chosen Mexico as a target market, BDMX is ready to help you make your business goals a reality.

About Us

At the end of the day, it is all about connecting. Connecting with the right client, partner, and catalyzer; to successfully become a leader of your segment/industry in the Mexican market. BDMX is your vehicle to get there.

We will define a strategy to connect with the right targets you are looking for. And more than that, we are constantly evaluating adjacent possibilities you did not know existed, from the perspective of trade, S&T+i, and investment.

We are your eyes and ears in the Mexican market, and of course; your business development and sales partner.


We help you with:

All your business development efforts in the Mexican market.

  • We will identify and strategically develop your potential clients and prospects, based on your business objectives. We will open the doors for you.

Representation of your brand/technology in Mexico

  • We become your in-market representatives handling key functions of your firm on a day to day basis, without the need for you to establish a physical presence in the market.


  • We are located in Monterrey, Mexico´s industrial and business capital. Its proximity to the border, and its major infrastructure, has made of Monterrey the ideal springboard for any international company or organization looking to enter the Mexican market. This is the best business lab to get started. It has one of the highest concentration of large corporations and decision makers in the country.
  • Given our experienced group of collaborators from every major industry, we are strongly positioned in key verticals such as: Automotive/Mobility, Manufacturing, Agrifood, ICT, Cleantech, Construction, Financial Services, Life-Sciences, and more.


Some of our Clients:

  • Clients

Fuel Defend


Manufacturing Partners




North Bridge Business Group



We look forward to partnering/working with you towards helping you achieve a successful entry and expansion in the Mexican market.
